Violette1st Wikia



The video begins with Bill walking from the front door to the cupboard telling Violette that William cut his finger off with a chainsaw. This causes Violette to panic and goes outside to see William bleeding. She demands him to get in the car and go to the hospital, but Bill wants to go to McDonald's. Violette goes psycho when Bill drives his family to McDonald's instead of the hospital and demands him to get out the driveway, but that's when they reveal the incident was a prank. Angered, she tells them they're going to get pranked, but Bill and William doubt it. William goes to order the food and Violette asks if he's going to order with bloody hands, Bill replies to Violette "Fake blood, dingbat".


  • Bill mentioned William's mom as Violette, officially confirming that Violette is her real name.
  • At 3:29, Violette said, "WE ARE NOT GOING TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!"' and this was the first time that Violette swore in a video.
  • This is the third time that the f-word was used since WILLIAM GOES PSYCHO AND BURNS CAR.
  • This the only video where Bill and William worked together.
  • At some time in 2020, this video was removed, however it has since been re-uploaded.
  • This is the very first time William says "dingbat" in this video.
  • This is one of the rare videos where Bill says "idiot" and "dingbat" instead of "jerk", even though Violette call Bill a "jerk".
  • This video probably includes the loudest Violette has ever screamed in all the videos


  • At 3:29, Violette says, "WE ARE NOT GOING TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" when she probably should have said "WE ARE NOT GOING TO FUCKING MCDONALD’S!"
  • When the video ends, the sign says “Happy Holloween”, but it should have said “Happy Halloween.”

Content Rating

- TV-MA-LV due to swearing and cussing, blood and gore.
